Friday, August 17, 2007

Little Brother David

David is doing so well. It seems that having a job has changed him. He says he really likes making his own money. But more than that, he seems to have a new maturity about him. He has been getting along better with everyone, and not so quick to anger. He comes home from school and changes and then I take him to work. He comes home around 7:30 or 8:00 and then piddles around a little, eats dinner, then does his homework, piddles around a little more, plays his guitar, then goes to bed. For the most part he gets himself up in the morning, not counting the last two days.... but so far he has 100's in all his classes. Amazing what a little bribery and actually find things to give positive reinforcement on. I'm loving it. He loves his new guitar and he seems to really appreciate the fuss I make over his playing and the pictures of himself I make for him. He puts them on his website and his friends think they are "cool".

He got my organ up and running the other day. It hadn't been touched for so long, and when I wanted to play it, it wouldn't work. Anyway he played with it and got it working again. I played some hymns this morning and worked the kinks out of my fingers. That was fun. I think I may do that more often.


Megan B said...

Good, good!

Courtney said...

Sounds great! I didn't know he was good with electronics.