Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Time to Update

Well my daughters have shamed me into updating my blog. It seems that twice a year just isn't enough to suit some people. But I must tell you.... the strangest thing has happened. I heard it was getting a little frigid down in he-- and sightings of angels skating have been reported. Word has it that Heather has gotten herself a blog. That is so cool. Now I really will have to keep this thing updated, cause everyone will know everything about everyone but me if I don't.

When last we met here in cyberspace way back in early June, Daddy and I were sick with colds. Well we are all better now. Since then I went to Maine to try to help Courtney while she was in her last days of her third pregnancy. I got to spend 18 days with Courtney and her adorable family. Though little Spencer didn't make an appearance until it was almost time for me to go home. He cut it a little close. I got to watch a home birth and got to see a new use for a Jacuzzi bath tub. It was all very very cool. Best of all I was able to get to know Courtney better. It occurred to me that she and I haven't really sat down alone and had a good talk since she was a wee teenager. If you count "alone" as being in a house with 4 other people. But I got to spend some really good quality munch time with my Wilson grandbabies. They are so sweet. I've tried to put up 2 pictures of my trip. If you don't see them, it's because I couldn't figure out how to do it. I'll update some more later.

1 comment:

Megan B said...

Congratulations on a successful photo post :)