Wednesday, October 31, 2007

William Working Hard

William has lost 15 pounds in the last month. He is working so hard at it. He walks twice a day, all by himself, without being prodded and does at least 50 crunches every day. He is becoming much more aware of what he puts in his mouth too. I think that within 6 months at this rate he will be at a good weight and maybe he can start using weights to put some definition in his shape. My son the "Buff Guy". Wouldn't that be something.


Heather B said...

WOW!!! pictures! pictures! WAY TO GO, WILLIAM! Keep it up!!!!

Megan B said...

that is really great. I bet he would benefit from a great DVD program too. How coordinated is he?

*Lyndsey said...

That is really, really cool. You just needed to get it to fall into his little valley of obsessions...right next to Marvel Comics and Star Wars.

Megan B said...

I vote for a new post :)

Kira =] said...

You have got to update! pictures of your house with Christmas decorations maybe? please....... =]