Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tomato Boy

Yesterday, David went to Panama City with two Brethren to the "Pick and Pull". This is a place that old and damaged cars go to die and where people go to pick over the carcasses for parts. David needs a new engine and various other parts for his poor sad car that he has owned for months and driven maybe 6 times. Anyway they spent the day climbing over cars completely oblivious to that big bright round yellow ball in the sky. David came home doing a darn good imitation of a tomato. Needless to say he is in a lot of pain. This is not good for my little toe-headed boy.


Megan B ♥ said...

Oh my goodness..... YIKES!!! That looks awful!

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! I'm sure you already know, aloe helps.

Mom said...

Oh yes, I covered his arms with aloe and lidocaine. Then woke him up this morning to give him aspirin for pain. He did his face himself.

Kira =] said...

silvadene cream! get some from Elray.